Wednesday, September 5, 2007

-= [::] disturbed [::] =-

It's already 1 in the morning and I was not able to even scan my manual in I.T.! Aah! I have so many things going on my mind right now. I want something so bad! I miss someone so much and I want to be with that someone so bad! I can't think properly! Damn!

When will this end!? T_T
I want the term to end,,
so that I can take a rest and unwind!
college life really is exhausting!
I can't wait to spend my term break with my friend!

Friday, August 31, 2007

9th/10th meeting journal entry

1.Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
It was our Grad Ball, my classmates invited me to a party after the ball. When we arrived at the place, I saw some of my classmates drinking and some of them are smoking. One of my classmates told me to try one stick.

2.How did you react to it? Why?
I was very shocked because I was never dared to somke before.

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
I feel happy and I can tell that I never give in easily to these peer pressures.

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
I learned that turning down negative peer pressure will not ruin our friendship. I'm thankful that my classmates are mature enough to understand me.

8th meeting journal entry

Challenge yourself:
  • tell the truth
  • return recovered things
  • admit a mistake
  • return excess change
  • avoid cheating

What challenge did you take?

I challenge my self to tell the truth.

Were you able to do it? How did you feel?

Yes I was able to tell the truth and I feel delighted!

What have you realized from your experience?

I just then realized that telling the truth can never harm you! LOL

7th meeting journal entry

After having undergone physical assesment what do you plan to do?
I planned to do better and to improve on the things I lack. Just like the proper disposal of my garbages.

How will you help save our environment?
I will lessen the use of hot water whenever I'm taking a bath.

What was your reaction to the film?
I was very sad at the things that happened. After seeing the film, I promised my self to make a change.

6th meeting journal entry

Challenge yourself to be excellent in your studies (seatwork, recitations, exam) and write down what you learned fro this challenge.

When we were given this task, I didn't think that I can make it. But fortunately, with the help of my classmates, friends, proffessors, and GOD, I made it! Here's the story:

It was thursday and we have our Algebra, Trigonometry, and Humanities to attend to. These are the most challenging courses in this semester. I tried hard to listen to the lesson but it's hard for me because I get distracted really easy. But after the day has gone, I think that I did well in my courses and I'm looking forward to another meeting.

5th meeting journal entry

Write an essay about the most challenging thing you've ever done.

Some people curse God for the problems they had. Little did they know that these problems are acctually not problems, they are challenges given to them by God. If it is not a challenge, it could be a problem caused by their irresponsibility. These problems are self-inflicted. When we encounter hardships in life, we should know that God is teaching us a lesson. We should know that HE will never leave us no matter what happens and HE will not allow any challenges to come to us if we cannot handle it. We should not hate HIM for that, the least we could do is to thank HIM.

I remember when I was in highschool, when we had our Junior-Senior Promenade. After our promenade I, my classmates, and my friends went to our reserved room in a hotel to stay for the night. But what I didn't know is they will have a drinking session. My classmates told me to join, but I turned down the invitation.

This is one kind of peer pressure. I thank HIM for guiding me. This is by far the most challenging thing I've ever done, to turn down my classmates invitation. It's hard for me because, my classmates know that I'm not one of the party spoilers, that I'm not what they call "KJ". After the night, my classmates teased me for rejecting them last night. I know that this will come and I thank HIM for giving me patience.

4th meeting journal entry

"Do unto others what you want others to do to you."
1. How would you like to be treated by people when:
- you commit a mistake?

I would like others to be considerate enough to forgive me if ever i commited a mistake.

- you want to share your opinion?
I want them to respect me and listen to what i will say.

-you don't like to do what they're asking you to do?
I want them to understand me and be patient. I don't want them to turn their back on me and I don't want these things ruin our friendship.